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Montane Longleaf Extension and Nature Conservancy Program

Did you know that Paulding County is part of a region known as the “Dugdown corridor” which is home to one of the largest remnant montane longleaf pine ecosystems in Northwest Georgia? This corridor is anchored by the Talladega National Forest in Alabama and Sheffield and Paulding Wildlife Management Areas in Georgia. Both of these anchors are home to thousands of acres of montane longleaf that The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is currently invested in maintaining with partners via prescribed burns. Most of the land between the anchors is privately owned by large landowners, timber investment management organizations, and real estate investment trusts.  TNC and Georgia Department of Natural Resources have already invested significant time in beginning to develop a conservation plan and strategies for restoring montane longleaf within the Dugdown corridor, as well as identifying and developing relationships with private landowners.
As a part of this effort, The Nature Conservancy and Paulding County Extension are working together to provide a workshop that will focus on educating local landowners on the benefits of planting montane longleaf and the current programs that TNC and Partners have available to assist with the cost of planting longleaf. Ideal landowners would have a minimal of 40 acres of forest they could replant, but we would love to educate anyone that might be interested in learning more about the longleaf pine. If you would like to learn more about the montane longleaf forest and especially if you are a landowner who might be interested in planting land in montane longleaf pine, please plan to join us on May 11 at 6:30 pm at Paulding Meadows Park at the enclosed pavilion to hear from the Nature Conservancy. The program is free, but space is limited so pre-registration is required. Please contact the Paulding County UGA Extension Office to reserve your space by calling 770-443- 7616 or email .Longleaf Pine Forest Flyer

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