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Paulding County 4-H Is Proud To Recognize Excellence in 4-H Forestry Judging!

The Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging team recently competed at the Northeast District Forestry Judging Competition Wahsega 4-H Center. The team consisted of Junior and Senior 4- H’ers who spent 12 weeks preparing for the competition by learning to identify seventy-five Georgia trees, forty diseases and insects of forest trees and learning how to conduct wood volume estimation and orienteering in forest stands. 4-H’ers from 16 counties in North Georgia competed in the Forestry Field Day event.
Paulding County 4-H Seniors placed 2 nd in the Northeast District competition while Paulding County 4-H Juniors placed 7th in the Northeast District competition. Senior Seth McCuan recieved 3 rd place individual high score award for the competition. Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging Team members and their coaches pictured (Front, left to right), Kayla Bloor, Emily Brooke-Powell, Lydia Kenney, Madison Thomason, Kimberly Hadaway, (Second Row, left to right) , Mary Carol Sheffield, Lisa Mason, Seth McCuan, Jack Derochers, Will Culpepper, Leah McCuan, Aaren Schertler, and Bob Banks. are and Lydia Kenney.4H 800Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging Team coaches Master Gardener Extension Volunteer, Bob Banks, County Extension Coordinator Mary Carol Sheffield, Master Gardener Lisa Mason and Former 4-H’er Aaren Schertler accompanied the team to competition. Seniors will compete in the State Contest later this month. Congratulations to this outstanding group of 4-H’ers on a job well done!

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