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Paulding County 4-H’ers Compete at District Public Speaking Competition in Rome

On February 3rd, Paulding County Cloverleaf 4-H’ers competed at District Project Achievement (DPA) at Georgia Highlands College in Rome. This year there were 12 counties represented with 560 competitors with 23 being from our county! Cloverleaf Project Achievement is a public speaking competition where 4th-6th-grade students select a topic of interest and give an informative speech on their chosen topic; for the Cloverleaf level, it is 5-6 minutes. Presentations from Paulding County ranged from singing and robotics to Henry Ford and even the history of cotton candy! Project Achievement helps students to improve their public speaking but also writing and presentation skills while learning more about a topic of interest.CL DPA 2018The following Paulding County 4-H’ers in grades 4-6 competed at District Project Achievement; their elementary/middle school are also noted: Gabe Belanger (Scoggins), Alyssa Biester (Allgood), Ashikel Boatwright (Panter), Tathan Chosewood (Ragsdale), Gracie Clower (Union), Sam Dart ( Dugan), Avery Gloyd (Shelton), Anna Hall (Ragsdale), Ella Herbert (Russom), Sophia Horn (East Paulding), Landon Hurtado (McGarity), Kaitlyn Lydick (East Paulding), Megan Lydick (East Paulding), Scarlett Melton (Home School), McKinsey Middendorf (Russom), Emma Oster (Abney), Bastain Pethel (Dugan), Zayden Pugh (Ragsdale), Madi Reese (Ragsdale), Ryan Smith (McGarity), Annalisa Taylor (Shelton), Abegail Waters (New Georgia), Riley Worthington (Allgood). We are proud of these Paulding County students and that they were able to prepare, practice, and compete this year!
Also a big thank you to the parents/guardian who helped support these 4-H’ers as well as the Paulding County 4-H teen leaders and staff that also helped make this engaging and rewarding experience happen too!
To learn more about 4-H programs in Paulding County please visit www.ugaextension.org/paulding or contact the UGA County Extension 4-H agent, Patty McIver, at 770-443-7616. The county extension office is located at 530 Memorial Drive, Dallas, GA 30132.

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