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Paulding County 4-H’ers Recognized at 2018 District Project Achievement Competition

PauldingDPA1Paulding County 4-H had thirty-one Junior and Senior level 4-H’ers compete at the Northwest District Project Achievement (DPA) at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia on March 2-4, 2018. Project Achievement is one of the four core programs in Georgia 4-H which is a self-directed individual competition including presentations; and for 7th -12th graders, a documented record of project work, leadership and service based on experiential learning activities. This portfolio is the second part of DPA which highlights students’ talents, hard work and success. This year’s Project Achievement areas ranged from horses, history and human development to dance, vocal, safety and several cooking areas.>br> We are proud of our Paulding County 4-H’ers who competed in this year’s DPA. For the Juniors, 7th and 8th grades, there were three 1 st places, five 2nd places, and two 3 rd place ribbons. For the Seniors, 9th -12th grades, there were four 1 st places and one 2nd place ribbon. Four of these high schoolers qualified for 4- H state competition in July (*). The following Paulding County 4-H’ers competed at NW District DPA: *Hannah Bower (South Paulding High), Kelly Bray (South Paulding High), Emily Brooke-Powell (Paulding County High), Jamaari Brooks (Dobbins Middle), Kiersten Carlisle (Paulding County High), Madison Clemente (South Paulding High), Anna Craton (PB Ritch Middle), Emily Crocker (Paulding County High), Gabe Falsini (Dobbins Middle), Colleen Gilroy (East Paulding High), *Erin Gilroy (East Paulding High), Mia Gonzalez (Herschel Jones Middle), Madeline Hall (Austin Middle), Nathan Hill (GA Cyber Academy), Sasha Hurtado (PB Ritch Middle), Allen Jones (Moses Middle), Erin Kenney (Hiram High), *Lydia Kenney (Hiram High), *Juliette McKinley (Holy Spirit Preparatory), *Nicholas McKinley (Holy Spirit Preparatory), Madalyn McMurty (McClure Middle), Miranda McTyre (Alexander High), Matthew Perry (North Paulding High), Audrey Rogers (East Paulding High), Kimberlee Rosemond (South Paulding High), Bande Taiwo (Dobbins Middle), Katee Taylor (Austin Middle), Braden Turner (Home School), Abby White (Hiram High), Quadriyah Williams (Dobbins Middle), and DJ Winkles Jr (Scoggins MS).

PauldingDPA2For more information about Project Achievement and other 4-H programs in Paulding County, please visit us at www.ugaextension.org/paulding. Also contact UGA County Extension 4-H agent, Patty McIver, at 770-443- 7616, , or come by the county office at 530 Memorial Drive, Dallas, GA 30132.

1. Paulding County Senior 4-H’ers going to compete at Georgia 4-H State Congress include (L to R) Juliette McKinley, Nicholas McKinley, Erin Gilroy, and Lydia Kenney. Good luck in July to these 4-H’ers!
2. Paulding County 4-H’ers who competed at the Northwest District DPA for Junior and Senior levels.
By Patty McIver and Juwan Severson

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