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Paulding County 4H Archery in 2018

Archery 533On April 28th, 26 Paulding County 4-H’er Archers traveled to Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA for their annual Outdoor shoot. A total of 542 statewide archers participated. Georgia has two main archery competitions a year the Indoor competition at Georgia Fairgrounds in Perry, GA and an Outdoor competition at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA with various shoots available throughout the season in which anyone can participate.
Archery consists of 7 different divisions, Novice, Cloverleaf Recurve, Cloverleaf Compound, Junior Recurve, Junior Compound, Senior Recurve and Senior Compound. The Cloverleaf division are 4th and 5th graders, the junior division is Middle School and Senior division for High School students. There are a total of 36 archers on the Paulding County Archery Team they are; Aiden Ashley, Squeaky Beasley, Bailey Bloomfield, Rachel Bower, Jonah Brantley, Dominic Bunch Collins, Kamya Butler, Carly Carson, Gabriel Coffee, Molly Dickerson, Chris Farris, William Gadsden, Colleen Gilroy, Maegan Glaser, Magan Harmon, Dalton Hill, Joshua Hill, Nathan Hill, Jillian Houston, Ryle Jacobs, Ethan Lucus, Scarlett Melton, Zoe Padgett, Amanda Parker, Kaitlynne Powers, Wesley Siskey, Brendan Swann, Katee Taylor, Ben Walker, Ben Wright.
Our dedicated hard working coaches are; Darrin and Wendy Dickerson, Jason and Ginger Hill, Amber Taylor, Namath Padgett and Jessie Melton. Paulding County Extension Liaison; Kathie Gilroy, and 4-H Agent Patty McIver. We would like to give a Special Thank You tour sponsors; Premier Products, Inc., Bloomfield Partners LLP, ABC Alarms and DL Construction.

To learn more about Paulding County 4-H please visit the www.ugaextension.org/paulding or contact us at the Paulding County UGA Extension office at 770-443-7616.Archery 800

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