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Paulding County 4-H Is Proud To Recognize Excellence in 4-H Forestry Judging!

The Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging team recently competed at the Northwest District Forestry Judging Competition in Conyers, Georgia. The team consisted of Junior and Senior 4- H’ers who spent 6 weeks preparing for the competition by learning to identify seventy-five Georgia trees, forty diseases, and insects of forest trees and learning how to conduct wood volume estimation and orienteering in forest stands. 4-H’ers from 10 counties in North Georgia competed in the Forestry Field Day event.
Paulding County 4-H Seniors Josh Castillo, Peyton Castillo, Erin Kenney, and Lydia Kenney were the 2nd Place Senior Team in the Northwest District competition and Paulding County 4-H Juniors, Jayden Borders, Allen Jones, Kaitlyn Lydick, and Sadie Tatum were the 2nd Place Junior Team. Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging Team members and their coaches pictured (From left to right) Peyton Castillo, Joshua Castillo, Allen Jones, Jayden Borders, Coach Bob Banks, Kaitlyn Lydick, Sadie Tatum, Erin Kenney, Lydia Kenney, and coach Rachel Dutton.
Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging Team coaches Master Gardener Extension Volunteer, Bob Banks, County Extension Coordinator Mary Carol Sheffield, Master Gardener Rachel Dutton and Former 4-H’ers Madison Thomason and Jack Derochers prepared the team for competition beginning in June. Congratulations to this outstanding group of 4-H’ers on a job well done!4h forestry 753

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