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Paulding County 4-H would like to congratulate all the students that participated in the 2019 District Project Achievement (DPA).

On January 26th, Paulding County Cloverleaf 4-H’ers traveled to Georgia Highlands College in Rome to attend a public speaking competition. At the event, there were 12 counties represented and a total of 579 students in attendance. Cloverleaf Project Achievement is a public speaking competition where 4th-6th-grade students select a topic of interest and give a 5-6 minute informative speech on their chosen subject. Project Achievement helps students improve their public speaking but also writing and presentation skills while learning more about a topic of interest. Paulding County had 54 student representatives attend this event with 26 placing in their program areas.

  • 1st Place: 7 students
  • 2nd Place: 5 students
  • 3rd Place: 14 students

We are very proud of these Paulding County students and that they were able to prepare, practice, and compete this year! We would like to say a big thank you to the parents/guardian who helped support these 4-H’ers as well as the Paulding County 4-H teen leaders and staff that helped make this engaging and rewarding experience happen! Paulding County 4-H'er participation in Cloverleaf DPA is sponsored by Cobb EMC.
To learn more about 4-H programs in Paulding County
Please visit www.ugaextension.org/paulding or contact the UGA County Extension 4-H agent, Josie Davis, at 770-443-7616. The county extension office is located at 530 Memorial Drive, Dallas, GA 30132.

Paulding County 4-H’ers Compete at District Project Achievement in Rome.CL DPA2019 Paulding County DPA Participants with Parents and Teen Leaders.CLDPA 20196th Grade Award Winners: Annalisa Taylor (1 st Place) and Rye Likely (1 st Place).CLDPA Teen Leaders2019 Teen Leader Volunteers for DPA.

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