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Rep. Tom Graves Supports Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA-14) today voted for and the House passed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (S. 612), bipartisan legislation that fixed differences between the House and Senate versions of the Water Resources Development Act, which authorizes federal partnerships for developing and maintaining the nation’s waterway infrastructure, such as the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.
“The nation’s waterways serve as engines for economic growth and job creation,” said Rep. Graves. “That’s no different in Georgia, where the Port of Savannah contributes $174 million in annual net benefits to the United States and supports 21,000 American businesses. This bill ensures the Port of Savannah continues to thrive by authorizing the resources necessary to keep the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project on schedule – a top economic priority for Georgia.”
The Savannah Harbor Expansion Project deepens the Savannah Harbor federal shipping channel from a depth of -42 feet to -47 feet. The extra depth will allow an additional 3,600 cargo containers in each transit.
The bill also authorizes a feasibility study of a navigation project in Brunswick Harbor, which could lead to additional investment and economic growth.harbor800

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