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Under the Gold Dome… A Message from Rep. Howard Maxwell

Howard 533Session days are flying by as we completed legislative day 8, Thursday, January 26th. As appropriation hearings to review the budget continued last week, other committee meetings began, wasting no time in vetting proposed legislation. The most significant measure addressed was the House floor vote on the Amended Fiscal Year 2017 budget, which passed with an overwhelming majority. 
2017 Amended Budget Passed
Last week we voted in favor of the "little budget," better known as the amended state budget for fiscal year 2017. The AFY 2017 budget, as passed in the House, will allocate an additional $606.2 million in earned revenue, bringing the total AFY 2017 budget to $24.3 billion. Although these are recommendations from the House, the little budget is subject to change, as it now heads to the Senate for further consideration. We are expected to vote on the full 2018 Fiscal Year budget in the next couple of weeks. Further highlights of the Amended FY 2017 budget are as follows:

  1. $16.7 million for the Move on When Ready Program which allows eligible Georgia students to take advantage of dual enrollment and progress at their own pace.
  2. $2.3 million to create the Georgia Center for Early Language and Literacy at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, an education training center for developing literacy skills among children from birth to age 8 throughout the state.
  3. $25.1 million for a 20 percent pay raise for state law enforcement officers over 16 agencies.
  4. $50 million for the Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center in Augusta.
  5. $974,712 to expedite the 57 percent per diem rate increase for Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) foster parents, effective April 1, 2017.
  6. $746,243 for a $1 per day increase for the relative, or kinship, foster care providers effective April 1, 2017.

Last weekend, many homes and businesses throughout our state were gravely affected by a string of tornado outbreaks. As a result of these damages, we put $5 million into the AFY 2017 budget towards the Governor’s Emergency Fund. This funding will aid rebuilding efforts and supplement federal funding received from FEMA. My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones, as well as those recovering from injuries sustained during these devastating storms.
Casino Gaming
On Wednesday, we took the first step in changing our laws regarding Casino gaming in Georgia. House Bill 158 and Senate Bill 79, would allow for the construction of two “destination” resorts that would house casinos. One would be located in metro Atlanta, while the second would be located outside of the metro region. The 2016 bill called for four “resort destinations” but failed to move forward. Further, this year’s proposals also dedicate more funding to the HOPE Scholarships program than the 2016 bill. Those in support of the legislation believe that these resorts will bring additional revenue and economic development to Georgia, while increasing educational funding. A recent poll from the AJC shows that 56 percent of Georgians are in favor of the allowance of Casino Gaming. 
Sponsored Legislation
On Wednesday, January 25 th , I introduced House Bill 83, which would allow the Georgia Firefighters' Pension Fund to invest up to 10 percent of the total assets of its fund in real estate. Georgia Firefighters’ Pension Fund was set up to provide a supplemental pension benefit to Georgia’s firefighters and their beneficiaries through assets held in trust. It is my hope that in allowing the investment of real estate, this will help secure the fund's assets for future beneficiaries. 
Be on the lookout for further updates as we make our way towards day 40! It is a pleasure to serve you under the Gold Dome and I will continue to work hard for the betterment of our state and district. If you ever need anything at all, please let me know!house900

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