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It's Still About People, Not Politics

TonyCroweHello, Post 4!
I'm Tony Crowe, your Post 4 Commissioner, and I want to thank you for the privilege of serving Paulding County over the past three years. Representing the citizens, old and new alike, of the county I’ve called home my entire life has been both an honor and a blessing.
I am running for reelection of the Post 4 Commission Seat in this year’s Primary Election on May 22nd, and would greatly appreciate your vote in order to continue serving our magnificent county for another term. As you know, many projects have come to completion, while many others are still in progress since I took office. I ask that you grant me the opportunity to continue representing the needs of Paulding County, both in Post 4 and countywide, so that present and future goals can be achieved, which will strengthen the county’s foundation, security, and future. As many of you know, I actively and proudly served my country from 1965-1969 with three tours of duty in Vietnam. I was also inactive in the reserves until 1971. After returning home, I met my beautiful wife Cindy, who I have been married to for 48 years. We have been blessed with two wonderful children and four incredible grandchildren. We raised our family in the New Hope community, where we still reside, and, currently, our granddaughter attends Russom Elementary. I have been privileged to serve on the Board of Deacons at two different churches as Chairman, have been active with Builders for Christ, belong to a Masonic Lodge as a Master Mason, and am a member of American Legion Post 111.
Since I took office in 2015, integrity, strong moral principles, and citizen input guide me in making important decisions that impact our county. I have always and will continue to make the welfare of Paulding County my priority for you, your family and mine.

The platform I Ran On and STILL Uphold:
*Oppose the Part 139 Commercial Airport Application *Move the Richland Creek Reservoir forward *Support small businesses within the county *Give County employees a fair shake and the support they need to do their jobs efficiently *Be an ethical government official by serving with openness, honesty, and integrity

Things I HAVE Done in Post 4:
*Moved the E911 Center to the proper location, which saved the taxpayers approximately $2,000,000. *Oversee the Richland Creek Reservoir construction and budget, which should be operational by 2019. *Worked diligently with our water department to have $500,000 set aside each year in order to extend water lines to homes and churches that have been living without water. Currently, two streets are under construction with water line installations. *Work to protect our infrastructure and home values by placing a moratorium on PRDs until we have specific stipulations that meet the needs of Paulding County. *Supported Agritourism by bringing Paulding County’s first vineyard to North East Paulding County.

Things I HAVE NOT Done:
*I have NOT voted to raise taxes. *I have not broken my promises to the people. *I have not disrespected the voters of Paulding County. If re-elected, I will continue to serve and represent you – the people of Post 4 – by never forgetting “It’s About People, Not Politics”. I respectfully ask for your vote on May 22nd.

Thank you! Your friend, Tony Crowe

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