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Rep. Micah Gravley Presents Check to Paulding Republican Party

At the April 21st membership meeting of the Paulding Republican Party, Representative Micah Gravley presented Chairman Nancy Hollingshed with a $500 donation.
Representative Gravley stated, “I am extremely thankful for the tremendous support I have received from the Paulding County Republican Party over the past 11 years. As a former 1st Vice Chairman of our local GOP, I’m proud to be able to give back as a show of my support to help grow and strengthen the local GOP here in Paulding County. Our local party does great work here in the community and helped to start what is now Paulding Public Safety Appreciation, Inc. I invite everyone to come out and enjoy the fellowship of local citizens, volunteers and, meet and greet with state and local officials each month.”
Chairman Hollingshed and the Executive Committee thanked Rep. Gravley for his support and commitment to the Paulding Republican Party.

gravley checkL to R Rocky Swann, Fred Engel, Nancy Hollingshed, Representative Micah Gravley, Beverly Cochran and Chris Collins

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