Firefighter/FAO Don Copeland Retires After 32 Years of Service
Dallas, Georgia – April 3, 2020. After 32 years of dedicated service, Firefighter Apparatus Operator (FAO) & EMT Don Copeland retired today.
Beginning in 1988, even before Paulding County organized its Fire Department, Copeland served as a volunteer. In 1997 he was hired as one of PCFD’s first full-time firefighters and has dedicated his entire career to Paulding County Fire & Rescue ever since.
According to his supervisor, Lieutenant Tony Lovelady, “Don is an “old school” firefighter who truly loves his job and serving the citizens of Paulding County. He is one of a kind and will be missed.”
On behalf of PCFD, and the thousands of citizens Firefighter/FAO Copeland has helped over his long career, we say thank you and best wishes, Don, for a long and happy retirement.