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Paulding Lab Heroes Behind The Scenes

You have probably visited your primary physician at some point and time and at the end of the consultation your doctor orders laboratory test(s) to help provide a more accurate diagnosis. You visit a clinical laboratory and a Phlebotomist takes several blood samples. A Medical Technologist then runs the samples and give the results back to your doctor. Some may ask themselves who are these Medical Technologists and what is their role in the Lab? What happens after the Medical Technologist receives your blood samples?
Medical Technology is the science or profession that determines through analysis the chemical, physical, metabolic and immunological changes that occur in the human organism; as well as the practice of obtaining, processing and preserving blood and its components for use when necessary.
"It is the responsibility of these professionals to provide analysis results with precision, reliability, and accuracy while carrying out good sample management and internal quality control using properly standardized and monitored equipment with known control values.
The Medical Technologist plays a collaborative role in patient management, especially through examinations and procedures aimed at diagnosing and treating pathologies that affect the patients.
Along with these labs, professionals are the laboratory assistants responsible for helping technologists and scientists during lab tests and research. These technical professionals possess in-depth knowledge of basic laboratory techniques and equipment. Their duties include processing samples, classifying results and recording findings.
Without a doubt, the Medical Technologist is more than receiving a blood sample. They are the health professionals who, through laboratory techniques, provide important scientific information to the doctor for use in the diagnosis, treatment, control or prevention of diseases.wellstar 1 800wellstar 2 533wellstar 2 800wellstar 3 533

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