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Flight 242 Monument Dedication Ceremony

April 4, 2021, was a beautiful 72-degree sunny day in New Hope for the dedication of the Flight 242 monument. Families came from Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. Survivors and family members gathered this Easter Sunday on the 43rd Anniversary of the crash of Southern Airways Flight 242 to share in the monument dedication ceremony. As the day progressed between 85 and 100 participants shared in the ceremony as the attending board entrusted the newly completed monument into the perpetual care of Paulding County. Long-serving Board President Cherry Wadell addressed the ceremony as Commissioner Brian Stover received the Monument on behalf of the county.

003 flight242 800Crash survivor Sandy Purl flight crew member stewardess.004 flight242 800Group picture attendance. Attending Board Members. left to right Larry Jernigan, Brett Reece, Art Ragsdale, Cindy Covington, Sheilah Pickett, Loran Wills, Reverend Johnny McBurrows, Richard Carter, Cherry Waddell (President). Not in the photo Raymond Phillips, Jim Hatsell, Jim Croft, John Benefield (Vice President), Lee Lindsey, DJ Sullivan.005 flight242 800

002 flight242 800001 flight242 800

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