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State Rep. Paulette Rakestraw Announces Re-Election Campaign to the Support of House Speaker and Her Fellow State Representatives

Rakestraw400Hiram, GA. December 7, 2017. The Governors Gun Club in Hiram Georgia welcomed friends and campaign supporters of State Rep. Paulette Rakestraw as she announced her candidacy for re-election. In attendance was Georgia House of Representatives Speaker, David Ralston, Rep. Howard Maxwell, Rep. Bill Heath and Rep. Mandi Ballinger as well as former Speaker of the House Glenn Richardson.
Speaker Ralston congratulated Rep. Rakestraw on her outstanding service to her district and her passion and dedication to the office she holds. Speaker Ralston acknowledged her accomplishments as a State Representative and conveyed his full support of her candidacy for re-election. Also in attendance Rep. Howard Maxwell added his support for Rep. Rakestraw and remarked on her accomplishments. Rep Mandi Ballinger also commented on her strong working relationship with Rep. Rakestraw and gave her commitment to helping with her re-election campaign.
Rep. Rakestraw thanked her host committee for their support and everyone in attendance for their continued support and confidence in her. She remarked that there were a lot of activities going on that evening between Christmas parties, people being out of town and a Falcons came among other activities and told everyone she appreciated them taking time out of this busy holiday season to come help her kick off her campaign and support her re-election effort. The event was very well attended by members of the community in spite of all the schedule conflicts and holiday happenings. Paulette thanked Speaker Ralston for coming out to the district to meet members of the business community and for their solid show of campaign support from the business community as hosts of her event.
Paulette is a pro-business, pro-jobs representative. She has owned businesses and created many jobs for the Paulding community. She served on the Paulding County School Board from 2000 – 2008. Rep. Rakestraw was elected to begin serving in the State House in 2011. She is the first female to represent Paulding County in the state legislature. Rep. Rakestraw serves on the Special Rules Committee, the Small Business Development Committee, the Regulated Industries Committee and the Transportation Appropriations Committee. In addition, she is the Secretary of the Economic Development Committee, the Vice Chair of the Film and Television Committee, the Secretary of the Juvenile Justice Committee and the Vice Chair of the Science and Technology Committee.Rakestraw 800

House Speaker David Ralston, Rep. Paulette Rakestraw, and Rep. Howard Maxwell

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