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On Tuesday July 21, 2015 Deputy Kevin Dutton was awarded the Officer of the Year award by the Paulding County Rotary Club at a luncheon held in his honor. In attendance were members of the Paulding County Rotary Club, the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office, as well as Deputy Dutton and his family. Deputy Dutton, who has been employed at the Sheriff’s Office since September of 2009, has been an excellent Deputy since he has been with the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office.Dutton600
Deputy Dutton currently works in the Uniform Patrol Division and is also a member of the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team where he is part of the entry element. Deputy Dutton always strives to do his best at anything he is tasked with. Sheriff Gary Gulledge stated, “Kevin is one of those guys who does his job no matter how difficult it is. He never asks for anything and is well deserving of this award”.
Sheriff Gary Gulledge and the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office want to congratulate Deputy Kevin Dutton on being awarded the Officer of the Year award!

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