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CD Rate Specials

For over 40 years, Fidelity Bank has worked hard to grow and build relationships with exceptional service and custom business solutions you can trust. We’re ready to find the right banking solutions for your business. Let Fidelity Bank be your choice.

  • 1.00% APY* 6 Month
  • 1.40% APY* 12 Month
  • 1.60% APY* 18 Month

$500 Minimum Deposit, up to $250,000 per Customer
We also offer Free Personal and Business Checking**to Fit Your Needs

888.248.LION (5466)
LionBank.comCD DNE 736

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 1.00% for six months, 1.40% for 12 months, and 1.60% for 18 months is accurate as of 2/06/2018 and is subject to change at any time. Minimum balance to open and obtain this APY is $500, with a maximum of $250,000 per customer. This offer is available for a limited time. Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. No public funds or managed funds are eligible. The CD must be opened with new money or monies not held at Fidelity Bank. **Minimum opening deposit for checking account is $50. Fees subject to change. Refer to our current Schedule of Fees.

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