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Care packages for U.S. Deployed Military Troops Packing Party

package 600Party starting at 6:30 PM April 26th held at the American Legion Post 111 in Dallas Ga. These care packages will be shipped to Soldiers in the field. Event is open to public and needs community support. Donations are welcome. Please see the list below for the items needed to ship, cash donations accepted as well and will be used to purchase these items. Come out and meet the American Legion while showing your support of our troops. Pizza and refreshments.

  1. Beef Jerky
  2. Freezer Pops
  3. Individual Foil Packs of Tuna
  4. Individual Drink Mixes
  5. Baby Wipes
  6. iTunes Gift Cards
  7. Vape for Electronic Cigs
  8. Gum
American Legion Post 111
2587 Scoggins Rd, Dallas, Georgia 30157

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