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Destination Cure has been involved in Relay for Life since 2007, and we have two main, personal reasons as to why we Relay.
In 2005, Sharon (our Co Captain) her son, Scotty, had been battling cancer. They attended the relay event that year, and Scotty got to walk his survivor lap. Sadly, in 2006, Scotty passed away at the age of 25 due to his long battle with cancer. So in 2007, Sharon started a Relay for Life team in memory of Scotty. The team name was, “Scotty’s Family and Friends.” Today, Sharon and her husband, Scott, continue to relay in memory of their son, Scotty.
Taylor (our other Co Captain) has been involved in Relay for Life since 2008. Her reason for getting involved was to support Sharon and Scott, and help their team fundraise in memory of Scotty. In September of 2008, cancer presented itself to another family member. Taylor's eight month old nephew, Bryson, was diagnosed with brain cancer. He went through two years of chemo treatments and faced several surgeries. As of now, all scans show stable results. By 2009, since several of our loved ones had faced cancer, “Scotty’s Family and Friends” became known as “Destination Cure” because our prayer is for a cure.
Relay for Life is a time to remember and honor those who have passed away due to cancer, and to celebrate their life. It is a time to celebrate those who are now cancer free. It is a time to encourage and support those who are currently fighting cancer. It is a time to recognize and thank those who have been or are currently Caregivers to their loved ones who have or have had cancer.
Team Destination Cure hopes and prays that through Relay for Life, we can help reach the destination of cure.

cure 1000L-R: Bryson, Scotty