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Anniversary of the Battle of New Hope Church May 25th

Pictured is the Monument which was dedicated on May 25, 2014 the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of New Hope Church by the Gen. William J. Hardee Camp # 1397 Sons of Confederate Veterans of Dallas, Georgia. The monument is located on the grounds of the Historic Second Baptist Church of New Hope located at 44 Bobo Rd. The grounds along with the monument contains the Church building that was built in 1886 and preserved trench's that were dug by Confederate soldiers who fought here from May 25th to June 4,1864 when the Confederate Army fell back to the Lost & Pine Mountain line in Cobb Co. We would like to invite everyone to come and see the monument, cannon and gun firing demonstration's along with displays of relics on Saturday, May 27, 2017 from 9:00am -3:00pm you will also be able to talk with re enactors and historians about a soldiers life and the three battles which were fought here in Paulding County. For more information go to www.hardeecamp1397scv.org.civil 1 600

Battle of New Hope Church
On Wednesday, May 25, 1864 Federal Maj Gen Joseph Hooker’s XX Corp of the Army of the Cumberland commanded by Maj Gen George Thomas advanced Southward to New Hope Church crossing the bridge over Pumpkinvine Creek at Owen’s Mill 3 miles to the North.
The 3 divisions of Hookers Corps were formed into columns of brigades for the assault with Williams first followed by Buttersfield’s then Geary’s division. About 5:00p.m. The Federals began their advance against Confederate Maj Gen Alexander Stewarts Division of Lt. Gen. John B. Hoods Army Corp., Stewart’s three brigades were deployed from Left to Right with Stovalls Georgia Brigade on the left in the Cemetery with Companies A & F of the 40th Ga. Infantry from Paulding County, Claytons Alabama Brigade in the Center, Bakers Alabama Brigade on the right and Gibson’s Louisiana Brigade were held in reserve. To the Left of Stewarts Division in this area were Maj Gen Thomas Hindman’s Div. and Maj Gen Carter Stevanson Div. was on Stewarts Right.
Eldridges Battalion of Confederate Artillery with 12 Guns consisted of Stanfords Miss. Battery, Fenner’s La. Battery and Olivers Eufaula Ala. Battery; the artillery delivered a devastating fire that quickly thinned the attacking Federals who attacked without the support of artillery, as darkness fell a thunderstorm struck and the battle ceased.
Federal casualties reported by Hooker were 1,665 men, and Confederate losses were about 450.civil 2 600

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