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Local students join Cobb EMC for Career Day

cobbemc600Seventy local 5th-graders recently visited Cobb EMC for the electric cooperative’s 27th annual Career Day event. Elementary students spent the morning job shadowing employees across the company before joining their teachers and parents for a luncheon hosted by Cobb EMC.
Prior to the event, students gained job search skills by filling out job applications. Top candidates were selected and given ID badges for their first day on the job. Their positions ranged from customer service to marketing and line and system operations.
Over the past 26 years, Cobb EMC has hosted more than 1,800 local students for Career Days to help prepare them for future career opportunities. This year’s attendees included students from the following elementary schools: Allatoona, Bascomb, Boston, Clark Creek, Dowell, Ford, Picket’s Mill and Russom.

For more information, visit www.cobbemc.com/community.

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