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Exciting day for Hiram High School as high school seniors sign athletic scholarships as they prepare for college. National Signing Day is where senior student athletes officially accept scholarships offered by universities and colleges.

Tanner Jones signs a baseball scholarship w/ Southern Union State Community CollegeTanner Jones600

Standing: Trevor Jones (brother), Chad Tittle (Head Baseball Coach), Andy Dorsey (Athletic Director), Misty Cooksey (Principal) Seated: Timothy Jones (Father), Tanner Jones (Student-Athlete), Tammy Jones (Mother)

Dalton Howell signs football scholarship w/ Thomas MooreDalton Howell600

Standing: Adrian Steele (Coach), Christi Howell (Step-Mom), Ben Mount (Coach), Ethan Howell (brother), Chris Brown (Head Coach), Dane Bullard (Step-Dad), Andy Dorsey (AD), Misty Cooksey (Principal) Seated: Gary Howell (Father), Dalton Howell (Student-Athlete), April Bullard (Mother)

Amber Harris signs a volleyball scholarship w/ Life UniversityAmber Harris600

Standing: Andy Dorsey (Athletic Director), Kevin Thomas (Head Volleyball Coach), Steve Wilcosky (Life University Head Volleyball Coach), Misty Cooksey (Principal) Seated: Stan Harris (Father), Amber Harris (Student-Athlete), Heidi Harris (Mother)

Taylor Turner signs a football scholarship w/ University of West GeorgiaTaylor Turner600

Standing: Adrian Steele (Coach), Chris Brown (Head FB Coach), Andy Dorsey (Athletic Director), Misty Cooksey (Principal) Seated: Greg Turner (Father), Taylor Turner (Student-Athlete), Melody Turner (Mother)

Taegan Kilpatrick signs football scholarship w/ Shorter UniversityTaeganKilpatrick600

Standing: Adrian Steele (Coach), Lauryn Pritchett (Student), Chris Brown (Head FB Coach), Andy Dorsey (Athletic Director), Misty Cooksey (Principal) Seated: Angela Kilpatrick (Mother), Taegan Kilpatrick (Student-Athlete), Alaina Kilpatrick (Sister)