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We were pleased to have our 2016 Doris Butz Memorial Scholarship winner, Jake Gearrin and his parents attend our June 28th meeting. At the meeting Jake was presented with the scholarship check by PFAA President, Bruce Henry. Jake will be attending KSU as her Perseus a degree in Music Education. After the presentation Jake, his parents and PFAA members were delighted to meet our guest present or, Simone Stanley and learn about her Face 2 Felt art.winner1 800winner2 800

Please visit our web-site: www.pauldingfinearts.org for a calendar of events, exhibits, classes, and workshops. PFAA offers art classes for all ages and skill levels, as well as exhibits of works by regional artists, two art competitions each year and the annual Fall Fest on Main Street in Dallas.
We hope you will visit the Historic Courthouse Gallery & Studios located at 11 Courthouse Square-2nd floor; Dallas, GA 30132 (In the OLD Paulding County Courthouse building). Groups are welcome, please see the website for information to schedule a visit for your group. Like us on Facebook. Our hours of operation are Thursday through Saturday between 10:00am and 4:00pm. Monthly meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Courtroom Gallery.

PFAA President Bruce Henry (L) presents our 2016 Doris Butz Scholarship to EPHS graduate Jake Gearrin.
Scholarship winner Jake Gearrin with his parents Tommy (L) and Kim Gearrin.

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