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Paulding Prayer Rally 'Round the Flagpole February 15th

The Paulding Ministerial Association cordially invites you to come for a Prayer Rally 'Round the Flagpole event scheduled for Wednesday, February 15 th from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. at the Paulding Government Complex (Courthouse). We would like to ask all pastors to make the announcement in their churches and encourage their members to participate in this event. It is a time set aside to pray for our nation and all our newly elected leaders, local, state and national. It is non-denominational and open to the public. A request has been made by Helping Hands of Paulding for children’s undergarments. A bin will be available at the rally for packages of both boys and girls new underwear. Your donations will be greatly appreciated. In case of rain we will use the Veteran’s Park Pavilion. For more information please call Becky Chaille, Secretary at 770-530- 7608.pray 800

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