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17th Annual Cops for Kids golf tournament

PC Sheriff Gary Gulledge533The Paulding County Sheriff's Office is preparing for the 17th Annual Cops for Kids golf tournament on April 12, 2017. All proceeds from the “Cops for Kids” program are used to provide Christmas and other needs throughout the year for less fortunate children of Paulding County. We have a shopping day with a set amount of money, (which is reliant on donations) where each child shops with a Paulding County Sheriff's Office Deputy/Detention Officer for Christmas. This has been successful through donations from local businesses and individuals like you. In 2016, we were able to shop with 250 children where we spent approximately $50,000.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our upcoming golf tournament. We are sending a flyer with all the information and registration. Even if you are not interested, please post it to get the word out.
If you are not a golfer but are interested in helping, we need contributions for sponsorships, door prizes, and goody bag items and have several different levels of sponsorship. $5,000.00 platinum, $2,500.00 gold (Wellstar Paulding Hospital), $500.00 closest to the pin or longest drive and for $100.00 a Hole Sponsorship are all available. Remember, all donations are tax deductible. This is an easy way for you to help contribute to children of Paulding County and advertise for your business at the same time. If you have any questions, you can call Major Tom Murphy at 770-443-3015 or Melanie Thompson at 770-505-5533. All checks should be made payable to Paulding County Sheriff’s Office Cops for Kids and mailed with the attached flyer to 247 Industrial Way North, Dallas, GA 30132, Attention – Melanie Thompson or call Melanie and she can send someone by to pick up your donation. Our tax identification number is #58-6001498.

Gary Gulledge

Click below for PDF application.

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