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First Annual Paulding Public Safety Rodeo for Paulding County

0222 March 24 18 1 350Seth Bice, producer and Frontier Classic Rodeo Co. have provided the first sanctioned SPRA, IPRA rodeo to Paulding County. Judging by the community participation, this new event is just what the people wanted and will be a terrific addition to the annual family-friendly events that take place here in Paulding. The Friday night rodeo saw a good crowd, but Saturday night's show filled the bleachers. It's estimated that close to 5000 people came to see the rodeo this past weekend. The rodeo was held at Earl Duncan Park at Paulding Meadows.
Mr. Bice is a full-time firefighter with Cobb County Fire & EMS and lifelong resident of Paulding County. Mr. Bice stated that the goal of the rodeo is to help benefit the brave men and women who serve our community so selflessly. Mr. Bice further stated his focus in bringing a family oriented, old-fashioned, All-American rodeo to the Paulding community. The majority of the proceeds go to Paulding Public Safety Appreciation Inc. They are a 501c3 organization whose goal is to help members of the public safety and their families during a time of need. This organization includes all Paulding County residents who are employed in Public Safety (including the Fire department, EMT, Sheriff's office and Police officers).
The production crew with the Paulding Safety Rodeo wish to thank all the participants, volunteers, and vendors who worked hard to make this event happen. Additionally, Mr. Bice specifically thanked Hardy Family Automotive, Brian Stover of BLD Rolloff, Ragsdale Heating, Air, Plumbing, and Electric, and especially the Paulding County Parks and Recreation department. All of the sponsors who participated in this year's Rodeo have provided tremendous support to our Public Safety professionals.0235 March 24 18 5 8000229 March 24 18 2 8000274 March 24 18 11 8002116 March 24 18 53 8002139 March 24 18 64 800