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Legal Food Frenzy Raises Food and Funds for Neighbors in Need

From April 17-28, 2017, the Paulding County Bar Association (PCBA) partnered with the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB) to host the Legal Food Frenzy, which is a food and fund drive. Through this food and fund drive, vital food assistance was provided to our neighbors in need. With every one dollar donated to the ACFB, they can distribute five meals worth of food into our community.
On behalf of the PCBA, THANK YOU to all those who contributed food and money to the Legal Food Frenzy. Also, the PCBA would like to thank all the businesses, organizations, and government agencies that served as a drop off location during this event.
Also, the PCBA appreciates School Superintendent Cliff Cole for his support of this worthy cause. The faculty, staff, and students at schools in Paulding County played a huge part in the success of the Legal Food Frenzy.
Thanks to members of the PCBA and the Paulding County community, 769 pounds of food were collected and donated to Helping Hands of Paulding County.
The PCBA also raised $1,075, which was donated to the ACFB. According to the ACFB, the $1,075 will allow approximately 5,375 meals to be provided to those in need.Frenzy1549

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