770 445 3379

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Helping Hands of Paulding County is happy to announce the opening of the Helping Hands Clothing Closet, located at 240 Professional Court, Dallas GA.

Store hours are from 10am to 1:30 pm Thursdays only.

We have items for infants, children, and adults up to 2XXL. Also available are purses, shoes, books, and some toys.

To qualify for free clothing (up to ten items per person), please apply at Helping Hands of Paulding County Food Pantry at 228 West Spring Street, Dallas GA. Qualified individuals will receive a voucher that can be taken to the Clothing Closet within two weeks of issue. Clients must provide a picture ID for verification. Look forward to seeing you!
For more information check our website: www.helpinghandspauldingga.org
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Pictured left or right: Kathy Ruggirello, Charlotte Stafford, Sheila Carroll, Jameelah Baiyina, Shari Heyob, and Randy Heyob
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