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Helping Hands of Paulding, Inc. is a story of how an idea of Christian generosity became an amazing movement which now helps whole communities. In 1987, five local churches, Dallas First Baptist, Dallas First United Methodist, New Canaan Baptist, New Hope Baptist, and Poplar Springs Baptist formed a partnership to battle the effects of poverty and hunger in Paulding County. From those humble beginnings, Helping Hands has grown into a dynamic alliance of churches, businesses, civic groups, and generous individuals who assist our low-income neighbors with specific basic needs. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization providing services to thousands of Paulding County residents over the past 29 years and we will continue to unite our community by actively fulfilling God’s plan to support their many needs. Helping Hands also collaborates with other agencies such as Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS), Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB), Midwest Food Bank, Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) – Adult Protective Services, and United Way of Metro Atlanta. Other current partners include Walmart, Kroger, Target, Publix, Paradise Donuts, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. However, due to the growing needs in Paulding County community, additional assistance is still needed. Helping Hands has recognized that many people have needs that go beyond food insecurity and hunger; therefore, we provide vouchers for free clothing from our recently opened Clothing Closet and limited utility assistance to residents who are in crisis and have exhausted all other resources. If we make a critical utility payment for them, we will help them become more self-sufficient by negotiating a payment arrangement they can afford and the utility company will accept. Additionally, we partner with the Paulding Adult Education Center and offer free tuition assistance for individuals to complete their general high school education through the GED Preparation and Adult Basic Education programs. At a glance, one may view our organization the same as you would any other. What makes this entire operation unique is the fact that all of this is accomplished with 95% volunteers! Fellow Paulding County residents come together each day to offer their time and efforts to help their neighbors in need!

Regarding food disbursements, Helping Hands holds strict accountability. The amount of food each family receives is predetermined in the application process, based on the number of adults and children in the family. Food items are weighed in when received and likewise, weighed out before it leaves the building and is given to the client. This ensures full accountability of food disbursements each day.

Families who need assistance may apply at the Helping Hands office between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Monday through Friday (last sign in of the day will be 1:30 pm or earlier, depending on the volume of applicants). We are located at 228 West Spring Street Dallas, GA 30132. Applicants must have all documents required for eligibility in order to be interviewed for consideration.

The greatest need for Helping Hands is financial. In addition to our daily operating expenses, we need a larger facility due to the increase in client needs and food and clothing storage. Individual donations from you along with corporate grants (if/when received) will be greatly appreciated and will support us as we begin this massive project. If you desire to donate food, we will cheerfully accept it no matter the size. Volunteer drivers, pantry workers, case managers and data entry workers are needed too. We welcome any ideas you may have that could help our organization meet our neighbors’ needs. You could help by encouraging participation from your church, a school, or your employer. Most importantly, Helping Hands and those serviced by us could use your prayers.

Feel free to contact our Executive Director, Reva Burks at (770) 443- 1230 if you are interested in a tour of our facility or if you have further questions.

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