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Three Cheers! Kiwanis Club of Paulding County Officially Formed Their Club

Dallas, GA – On July 21st, the new Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was officially formed. Officers and board directors were elected and the committees were established which included President Phyllis Silverman, President-elect Robin Stern, Treasurer Alice Dondelinger, Secretary Erin Richardson and Board Members Matt Newsom, Susan Browning and Sandy Kaecher. Additionally, we welcomed our new Paulding County Kiwanians including: Diane Brown, Brandon Courson, Kevie Dixon, Beth Garrett, Robert Girau, Rafael Guerra, Stephanie Hendrix, Kaitlyn Lindly, Teddy Mathis, Cody McCarson, Amy McCarthy, Sandra Rudolph, Herb Silverman, and Anita VanBrackle. kwanis 800

The next meeting will be Thursday, August 4th at 7:00 PM at the Paulding Chamber of Commerce. People interested in membership are welcome to attend the meeting. Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. All interested in learning more about Kiwanis are invited to come to this meeting and to visit www.kiwanis.org. In particular, because of the flexibility of Paulding County, we will create a 3-2-1 Club which will entail three hours each month to conduct service projects, two hours each month for a social activity and one hour each month for club business for either an individual or corporation.

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