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Kiwanis Club of Paulding County Will “Fill the Bus” for the Kiwanis One Day

Everyone can be involved to aid childred…

oneday 800The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County invite the community to bring food and office supplies for the Georgia’s District “Kiwanis One Day” happening on Saturday, October 29th. The KCofPC members will “Fill the Bus” for the facility in Middle Georgia Food Bank in Macon, GA with the ultimate goal helping children in this area. Our members will be delighted to pick up items until October 28.
Overall, Kiwanis members serve their communities all year long. But the excitement for service really builds in October each year when Kiwanis members come together for Kiwanis One Day—a day of community service that is felt around the world.
The entire Kiwanis family—Kiwanis Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, CKI, Aktion Club and Kiwanis clubs—joins forces for this large-scale service project. Projects fill a specific need in each community and have included everything from building playgrounds to volunteering at a shelter to stocking shelves at a food pantry.
Kiwanis Club of Paulding County President Phyllis Silverman commented, “We are happy to help the children of Georgia in any way we can.”
Kiwanis Club of Paulding County meets on the third Thursday at 7:00 PM at the Paulding Chamber of Commerce, 445 Jimmy Campbell Parkway, Dallas. Everyone is invited. For information, call Herb Silverman at 678-232- 0009.

About Kiwanis
Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Kiwanis and its family of clubs—including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14–18, Builders Club for students age 11–14, Kiwanis Kids for students age 6–12 and Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities—dedicate more than 18 million service hours annually to strengthen communities and serve children. The Kiwanis International family comprises nearly 600,000 adult and youth members in 80 countries and geographic areas. For more information about Kiwanis International, please visit www.kiwanis.org.

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