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kiwanis400x600Dallas, GA – On June 9th, a packed audience of over 50 people attended the Pre-Organizational Meeting from Kiwanis. Led by Club Opener Herb Silverman, both Kiwanians, new participants and guests examined an overview of what Kiwanis International is and the impact it plays not only globally, but locally in Paulding County.
In addition, several guests including Kiwanis Governor Richard Dixon, Lieutenant Governor Bob Binkley, City of Hiram Councilwoman Kathy Carter, Dean Anita VanBrackle from Kennesaw State University and Lost Mountain Kiwanians David Kilroy and Phyllis Silveman spoke in glowing admiration of the magic and community that makes Kiwanians shine. In attendance, were representatives from Kiwanis Club of Metro-Marietta, Kiwanis Club of Carrollton, Kiwanis Club of Marietta and Kiwanis Club of Lost Mountain.
With donations of free food from Huey Luey's, free drinks from Sam's Club and the meeting room from the Paulding Chamber of Commerce, everyone agreed, it was not only very organized, but very excited as we begin constructing the Kiwanis Club of Paulding County! Keep tune for our next about event in July!

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