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Ribbon Cutting for Jeff Langley State Farm

A Paulding Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting was held on March 8th for Jeff Langley State Farm. Born and raised in Georgia, Jeff recently moved to the Dallas area with his wife and two pets. He attended Kennesaw State University and has worked for State Farm for over 5 years before having the opportunity to open his own agency on January 1 st of this year. He is proud to serve all residents of his home state from his office in Paulding County.
Jeff Langley State Farm provides insurance and financial services including auto, home, life, business, and bank. Jeff said “We are here to help life go right. Our mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected, and realize their dreams.” Jeff is passionate about helping protect the two most important things in peoples’ lives: their family and their property. In his free time, Jeff enjoys classic cars, fishing, and hiking.
Jeff Langley State Farm is located at 1305 Cedarcrest Road, Suite 105, Dallas, Georgia 30132 or on the web at www.MyAgentJeffLangley.com. He can be reached at 770-628- 5676, or Ribbon Jeff

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