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Ribbon Cutting for T-Mobile Dallas

A Paulding Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on Tuesday, August 7th for T-Mobile of Dallas, GA. The Dallas location is the 2nd retail store in Paulding County, with the original store located in Hiram.
T-Mobile is working hard to become the leading provider for both residential and business wireless services. They are known for competitive pricing and their truly unlimited talk, text and data plans. T-Mobile won the J.D. Powers award for the highest customer service among full-service wireless providers for the last two years.
The Dallas, GA. retail store is located at 210 Merchants Dr. Suite 7 Dallas, GA. 30132. They can be reached at 678.909.6113. The hours of operation are Monday- Saturday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM and Sunday 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM.RC Photo T Mobile Dallas

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