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Paulding Chamber Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Small Town Bank

A Paulding Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on Tuesday, October 23 rd for Small Town Bank in Dallas. Small Town Bank opened in 1999 and is owned and operated by local shareholders across East Central Alabama, West Georgia, and the surrounding areas.
The home office is located in Wedowee, Alabama with Branch Offices located in Ranburne, Roanoke, Heflin, Carrollton, GA and now in Dallas, GA.  STB also has a Loan Production Office (LPO) located in Oxford, AL to service loan customers in the Calhoun County and surrounding areas. Small Town Bank is “A Real Community Bank" where they like to know their customers and be able to call them by name. Longtime Paulding County Banker Genevieve Cole is the President of the new Dallas location. Their goal is to meet the needs of all customers, ranging from small loans to Internet banking, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Simple banking and experienced common sense bankers are what they strive to be. If you want to talk to people running the bank and have a decision made promptly, stop in and see the friendly folks at Small Town Bank.Small Town Bank800

The new Dallas Branch Office is located at 45 East Paulding Dr. Dallas, GA 30157. They can be reached at 770.505.2265. Please follow the Paulding Chamber of Commerce on Facebook to view a complete album of our Ribbon Cutting and event photos.

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