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Carolyn McKinstry Visit to Dobbins Middle School

On Jan. 19, we had the privilege of having civil rights activist and author Carolyn McKinstry, come to Dobbins Middle School to speak about her life and the experiences that led to her writing her memoir While the World Watched. It was an honor for her share details about her life and the lives of others that were impacted by the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL. During her visit, Ms. McKinstry praised our students and teachers for their attentiveness and respect. She was very impressed by our students and their level of questioning. Ina follow up email she stated "The students and their projects were sooooo amazing!! I feel so proud about all that they shared with me. They are all so smart, and soooo thoughtful!! What a wonderful place to be!" Personally, I couldn't agree more with her! DMS is a wonderful place to be! We have great students and teachers!
Many thanks to Ms. Hinchberger, Mr. Ussery and Ms. Davis for all of their hard work leading up to the assembly. Your students created stunning visuals testaments of the information that they learned during your Civil Rights Unit! Thank you Ms. Hinchberger for contacting Ms. McKinstry and arranging her visit, Overlook Connection Bookstore and Press for sponsoring materials to the students for presentations, and Olive Tree for catering lunch.dobbins 1dobbins 2

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