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Hiram Elementary School Veterans Day

On November 10, the HES Hornet family invited and welcomed veterans to come to our school to be honored for all they’ve done for this country of ours. We thanked them by making displays, giving thank you’ s, and many other tokens of thanks. 1st grader, Elijah Norris, read the poem Veterans Day by Cheryl Dyson for the group of nearly 20 veterans. 3rdgrader, Olissa Dowel, read the poem Thank You by Collen Davignon for a group of 16 veterans. The school chorus sang American Way by Mary Flynn and God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood. Students that were represented by a veteran came down to gift them with a thank you letter and bag of LifeSavers for being true lifesavers. We are very proud of those that were able to come to be honored and of those who were not able to make it. We thank them all for their service and dedication!hiram vet 1hiram vet 2

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