Paulding Retired Educators
The Paulding Retired Educators met on March 10th at the Paulding County Chamber of Commerce. A breakfast memorial meeting was held to honor two long time members who have passed away, Jerry Hollis and Billy Freeman. Brenda Ragsdale shared her memories of Jerry Hollis in the classroom. Mona Lord, daughter of Billy Freeman, and Randy Arnold, long time friend of Billy Freeman, shared family and community members of him. These two members of our organization will be sorely missed.
Nicole Forsyth, Paulding Senior Center Director, updated us on the many activities available to us including exercise, travel, crafts, and games. Two of our members received awards; Retha Tibbitts for leadership and Mary Cabe for volunteering. Officers for next year were announced: Gloria King, President; Laura Weiss, President-Elect; Dinah Hardeman, Secretary; and Sandra Parson, Treasurer. On May 8th, members will serve desserts for the Retiree Luncheon at Burnt Hickory Park.