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Chattahoochee Tech Students Return to School for Fall Semester 2020

ctc students800Acworth, Ga. – Aug. 21, 2020, Chattahoochee Technical College has welcomed students back to school with 9,451 students enrolled for the fall semester.
To facilitate a safe transition into the fall semester during the coronavirus pandemic, the college added additional sections and seats in online courses to help accommodate students who did not want to attend classes in person. Hybrid courses, which meet in person and have an online component, also factor into the college’s fall semester instruction. Additionally, Chattahoochee Tech continues to offer online tutoring and online advising in order to serve students without requiring them to be on campus.
“The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our highest priority as we start the new school year,” said Chattahoochee Technical College President Dr. Ron Newcomb. “We’ve increased online instruction, and we are following CDC health and safety guidelines as we continue to offer instruction for essential workforce programs that require a physical presence on campus.” Face masks are required in all classrooms and labs. The college also has provided students, faculty, and staff with safety supplies, which include face masks and hand sanitizers.
Chattahoochee Tech awards certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees in more than 50 programs of study for students to become highly skilled professionals in some of the nation’s fastest-growing, high- demand career fields. Approximately one-third of the Chattahoochee Tech student population is enrolled in health sciences, which include essential workforce programs in nursing, clinical laboratory technology, paramedicine, radiography, and surgical technology. Essential workforce programs of study at the college also include ones in precision machining and manufacturing; automotive technology; diesel equipment technology; and welding.
“Chattahoochee Tech students are gaining the skills and experience they need in programs that prepare them to become part of today’s essential workforce, even during these challenging times,” said Dr. Newcomb. “We are very proud of the fact that our graduates are meeting the demand from local employers for highly skilled employees to fill well-paying jobs available now in our community.” For more information, visit www.ChattahoocheeTech.edu.

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