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Raiders lose in final seconds 16-21

In the East Paulding Raiders first game of the season, Upson-Lee Knights took the lead on their first drive. The Raiders ended the half with a 3 point lead. Elohim Hull intercepted allowing the Raiders to capitalize for their first TD with a 45-yard pass to Cole Brown in the 1st quarter and a field goal in the second.
East made their final TD in the 3rd quarter after the Knights fumbled on the 11-yard line and recovered by the Raiders. Tyrell Robinson drove in a TD but the Raider’s missed the extra point.
The 4th quarter started with a hard hit to the Raider QB causing a fumble allowing the Knights to score their 2nd TD. With a 2 point lead, the Raiders botched a punt from the 45-yard line with 32 seconds left. The Knights were able to recover on the East 40 yard line. On the next play, a pass interference penalty puts the Knights on the 25-yard line. Then came an offside call against the Raider’s putting the play 1st and 5 on the 20 with 11 seconds. An end zone pass to the Knights #44 gives them the lead with only 4 seconds left on the clock leaving no time for the Raider’s to score again.
East will play North next week at North.

23384Elohim Hull interception set up the Raiders for their 1st TD.1757Cole Brown received a long pass on the 20 to take in for the Raider’s 1st TD.2061Tyrell Robinson falls backward for an 11-yard TD.2105Raider’s Maverick Hering sacked the QB for a 10-yard loss.

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