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2016 12 Rotary 0171The Paulding County Rotary club was visited this past Tuesday, November 30, by Raymond Ray district 6900 governor. Mr. Ray is a retired veteran and has visited, thus far, 65 other Rotary clubs in the district. Travis Miller, Rotary president, welcomed and introduce Mr. Ray to the club.
Mr. Ray acknowledged the clubs 47 years of service along with the accomplishments that the Paulding County Rotary club has achieved. He spoke of our service to the community of Paulding County and acknowledged our loyalty to the Rotary International Foundation. Mr. Ray reminded us of the compliments that the international Rotary has been able to achieve with the help and strength of Rotary clubs all across the nation and world such as ours. For example, the once dreaded polio virus has been battled back to approximately 27 cases left worldwide. Once that number reaches zero a three-year clock will start with the CDC. If no further outbreaks are recorded within a three-year span the disease will be labeled as eradicated. This is been a goal for a long time and is now within reach of the coming year 2017. Mr. Ray answered questions and was excited to remind everyone of the Rotary International Convention that would be taking place here in Atlanta in June of 2017. He encouraged all the members to participate. After informing us of new opportunities through Rotary International Mr. Ray was acknowledged by a round of applause as the meeting came to a close.

(L-R) Travis Miller, Raymond Ray

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