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Paulding County Rotary Club: December 13th 2016

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On the last Rotary club meeting for this year, Travis Miller Rotary president welcomed Kevie Dixon from the Paulding County Boys and Girls Club. Kevie Dixon is the executive director for the Paulding County Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Dixon thanked the members of the club for their support of the local Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Dixon went on to update the Rotary club members with the progress of the local Boys and Girls Club. The goal of the Boys and Girls Club is to provide a safe and positive environment for children and teens. With programs in a supportive environment aimed to prepare and inspire children to achieve a greater future. As of right now there are 166 children participating, with a goal of 245 children. This puts us at 66% of our capacity and is one step closer to achieving our ultimate goal of providing a safe and friendly family-oriented environment for the kids that need us the most here in Paulding County.
Travis Miller presented Mr. Dixon with a check for $1000 to continue the good work that the Boys and Girls Club provides the Paulding County community.

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