Ms. Patty McIver the new Paulding 4-H Director visits the Paulding Rotary
The Paulding Rotary club began its meeting by covering updates with regards to members and scheduled calendar events. At that time club president Travis Miller made way for a guest speaker. Our guest speaker, Ms. Patty McIver the new 4-H agent for Paulding County, took the podium to give the members and update on the 4-H's progress and involvement in Paulding County.
Ms. McIver, new to her position as of December 1st of last year, introduced herself to the club and thanked everyone for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the 4-H. Ms. McIver comes from an extensive background in both youth programming, education and camp initiatives. In addition to having a Bachelor's degree from Georgia State University and her Master's degree from the University of Illinois Springfield, in environmental studies, Ms. McIver also has 18 years of volunteer experience with the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta. In addition to the education and experience, Ms. McIver brings her background in educational technology and sustainable support.
Ms. McIver credited Ms. Brittani Kelley, her predecessor at 4-H Paulding County, as having accomplished much of the growth that the 4-H club has experienced here in Paulding County. Ms. McIver also cited an excellent and close working relationship with the Paulding County school system and county government. Both of these factors have led to an outstanding presence and growth in Paulding County. With more than 2400 registered students, in 33 schools and home school families, the 4-H club has an excellent base of interaction with students. Ms. McIver also praised the volunteers' hard work which has accomplished this level of registration with students.
Ms. McIver plans to utilize her skills in technology, communication and education to continue and expand the positive work that is being accomplished. Her goal is to further expand awareness of the 4-H in Paulding County including its positive contributions to students and the opportunities and activities that are presented by 4-H. Ms. McIver stated the goal of the 4-H, to help develop responsible future citizens through positive youth programs which help instill responsibility and life skills. In closing Ms. McIver shared the 4-H pledge with members of the Rotary club:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world. Travis Miller presented Ms. McIver with a check for thousand dollars as a contribution to continue the good work in Paulding County. For more information about Paulding County UGA Extension which includes 4-H, please check their website at;