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Hiram JROTC visits Paulding Rotary Club

Paulding County Rotary club welcomed Hiram JROTC Lieutenant Commander John Moyse and three of his top cadets Kace Cochran, Jeremiah Smith, and Chichi Ogbuagu. Commander Moyse thanked the Rotary club the opportunity to speak and outline the primary goal of the JROTC has in preparing students for their future. The extracurricular training that the students receive is focused on creating better citizens. The training and experiences give students who apply themselves an advantage in whatever path they choose moving forward. The JROTC program is not just for those interested in pursuing a military career. The JROTC experience builds confidence and provides leadership skills and can be applied to the workforce, trade school, technical degree, college, and of course military service.
Cmdr. Moyse was joined by three of his top cadets, Kace Cochran, Jeremiah Smith, and Chichi Ogbuagu. Each cadet took the podium and introduce themselves. All the high school cadets communicated the advantages of participating in the JROTC program. It attributed newfound skills and confidence with which they plan to pursue their future. John Grant presented Cmdr. Moyse $1000 check to benefit the Hiram JROTC program.1994 ROT 3 6 2018 3 800

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