Rotary RYLA Program Participants for 2018
The Paulding County Rotary Club welcomed this year's participants in the RYLA program. RYLA is a Rotary program that offers leadership skills and training to youth. This year's participants were Callie Benson, Addie Thigpen, and Marion Plumley. All of the participants shared their experiences with the club and all agreed that it was a worthwhile program and learned something from the program. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs around the globe. Each year, thousands of young people participate in this program. Young people ages 13–30 are sponsored by Rotary Clubs to attend the event run by the club's district committee. RYLA encourages servant leadership in youth by recognizing and rewarding deserving 11th-grade students who are chosen to attend RYLA as an "award" for their past and present leadership and service activities.