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Paulding Rotary Annual Senior Cookout for 2019

The Paulding County Rotary Club rallied this past week for their Annual Senior Cookout at the Wellstar Paulding Nursing Center in Dallas. Paulding Rotary Club members began to arrive around 11AM to start preparing the meals for the center's senior residents and staff members.
Club members brought everything to the pavilion behind the senior center where they usually prepare the meals. Club members had grilled over 350 meals worth of hot dogs and hamburgers. The Rotary members formed a production line to load the burger and hot dog plates with baked beans and all the trimmings.
The nurses arrived with carts to load up the meals for the residents as they were prepared. The Paulding County Rotary Club has been providing this service for the seniors for over 30 years. The club members enjoy this annual event as much as the residents enjoy the freshly grilled food.
Residents of the facility have little opportunity for home-cooked meals, much less grilled food. Most residents look forward to this event all year. One resident said "It's nice to know someone out there cares enough to make a difference. "Rotary cookout 800

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