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8th Annual Pigskin Preview

Pigskin Preview533Paulding County Aug. 13th, 2019, The 8th Annual Pigskin Preview took place at the Dallas Civic Center in Downtown Dallas, organized by the Paulding County Rotary Club. This year guests were greeted by Paulding County High School drum majors and varsity football cheerleaders, along with their principal, Craig Wilcox. Guests also enjoyed a Hamburger and Hot dog lunch grilled and prepared by the Paulding Rotary Club members. A new record number of community and county representatives gathered to take part in this year’s event.
Club Member and Past President, Ford Thigpen welcomed guests with a few words about the Rotary Club and it’s proud continued participation in this event. Mr. Thigpen thanked the athletic, academic and civic guests for their continued participation in highlighting the hard work that is focused on these extracurricular investments in our community’s future. He expressed what a privilege and honor it is for the club to participate with our high school’s football coaches and staff. Mr. Thigpen introduced Jason Freeman, co-founder of the Pigskin Preview and the Athletic Director for Paulding County. Mr. Freeman updated the audience with the progress of the county's athletics programs while recognizing guests in the audience and thanking them for their continued support of the county's athletic programs.
Mr. Thigpen introduced each of the high school football coaches, allowing them to speak on behalf of their high school’s 2019 football program. Speakers included: East Paulding High School’s Head Coach Billy Shackelford, Hiram High School’s Head Coach Pete Fominaya, Paulding County High School’s Head Coach Van Spence, North Paulding High School’s Head Coach Jim Bob Bryant, and South Paulding High School’s Head Coach Jason Thompson.
Each coach expressed gratitude towards their staff and for the support of their high school principles. They each recognized the encouragement and support of Robbie Finley from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Every coach expressed the value in our county's athletics programs and the values they generate. A common belief was shared that the roles they fill as coaches are instilling life-changing lessons to these young men through our athletics programs.

05 2019 08 13Jason Freeman, Jim Bob Bryant, Pete Fominaya, Van Spence, Jason Thompson, Billy Shackelford, Brent Wheeling, Ford Thigpen, and Robbie Finley. photo by Brett Reece.

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