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Paulding Rotary welcomed Dr. Kathryn Melton of Shepherd's Rest Ministries

ROT ShepherdsRest2020 03 04The Paulding Rotary welcomed Dr. Kathryn Melton to our club meeting this past week. Dr. Melton is the founder and Director of Shepherd's Rest Ministries. Shepherd's Rest operates the county's women's shelter around the clock, 24 hours and 7 days a week to take and manage crisis calls from women and families need. Additionally, Shepherd's Rest works with the Sheriff's Dept and both Dallas and Hiram City police departments as well as all the other county agencies that are in place to help women and families in crisis. Over 10,000 calls were answered this past year and since last year 107 of those have been helped through the Crisis House. This is initially for those fleeing an abusive domestic situation. However, should they be willing to work the program longer there is transitional housing, where more long term self-reliance goals can be addressed. Of the 107 that were helped at the Crisis House, 15 Families were helped to transition into their own housing arrangements. Receiving enough assistance to be able to provide for their children is critical to breaking a cycle of dependency that can drag these women back into a dangerous living environment.
Last Year over 600 women and 200 children participated in the enrichment group and domestic violence education. Other transitional help includes food, clothing, furniture, and back to school supplies for the children. Pathways to Discovery is another course that can really help to point out a career path that is suited to the strengths and aptitudes of the individual. Shepherd's Rest reached out to the community through 16 different events last year including a 5K race, our annual candlelight vigil, the gala banquet, and the “Homegrown Christmas Special” with Jeff Cole to name a few. All were to help educate and bring awareness to domestic abuse and the things we must do to help those caught in it. Starting in April a new program with the Dallas Police Dept. will teach self-defense to the moms and kids.
Accompanying Dr. Melton was a young lady who had received help through the ministry. She offered her story and how Shepherd's Rest had taken steps to provide a safe haven. Dr. Melton thanked the Rotary Club members for being a constant source of support since the ministries' inception. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, you may call our 24-hour crisis line for assistance, call 770-443-5213.

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