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Paulding Rotary makes Donation to local American Legion Posts 70 and 111

The Paulding Rotary Club in an outreach to local Veterans secured two AED Defibrillators. These life-saving devices were donated to American Legion Post 70 and Post 111. Local Veterans of all ages gather regularly at these Legion Halls. Having modern easy to use safety equipment on hand could potentially save the life of one of our veterans. Club President Jackie Crum and club member Brett Reece met with Bill Fleisch Commander of Post 111 and then with James E. Fultz, III Post 70 Commander, Tony D. Propst Post 70 Adjutant to presented the emergency equipment. Both Commanders gratefully accepted the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) devices to protect the elderly in attendance at the Legion Posts.

legion1James E. Fultz, III Post 70 Commander, Tony D. Propst Post 70 Adjutant; Bill Fleisch Commander Post 111, and Jackie Crum

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