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Lieutenant Ashley Hill Receives "Officer of the Year" Award

OfficerAward 2022(Paulding County, GA) At a ceremony held on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, Lieutenant Ashley Hill was awarded the “Officer of the Year” award by the Paulding County Rotary Club. Lieutenant Hill was accompanied by Sheriff Gary Gulledge along with her family and supervisors at a luncheon held in her honor.
Lieutenant Hill has been employed with the Sheriff’s Office since January of 2006 and was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and transferred into our Jail Division. Prior to her transfer, Lieutenant Hill worked as a Detective in our Juvenile Division. Lieutenant Hill is a certified forensic child interviewer and was also the lead Detective in the Juvenile Division. In addition, she served as the training Detective where she was tasked with training new personnel who came into the division. Being one of the mentally toughest assignments in law enforcement, Lieutenant Hill investigated cases of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse against child victims on a daily basis.
Sheriff Gary Gulledge stated, “Ashley does an excellent job, her work in our Juvenile Division has been unparalleled over the years. She is such a good person and a very hard worker, I cannot wait to see all of the good things that she will do in her new role as a Lieutenant in our Jail Division”. Sheriff Gulledge further stated, “I would also like to personally thank the Paulding County Rotary Club for continually supporting law enforcement in Paulding County. Without the support of philanthropic organizations like the Paulding County Rotary Club, it would be difficult for us to do our job”.
Congratulations to Lieutenant Hill on a much-deserved honor!

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